Did you know that more than 65 percent of all applications for government disability benefits are denied on the first try because of preventable errors? If you are considering applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or if your application has already been denied, it is a good idea to speak with a disability law attorney. An SSD and SSI lawyer can help cut through the red tape. If a disabling injury or other medical condition is preventing you from holding a job, you undoubtedly need financial help to cover a variety of costs. This is where disability benefits come in, but getting the benefits you need and deserve can be complicated. Many applications for SSD or SSI are denied because of inadequate medical evidence or other mistakes in the application process. Errors on theContinue reading: Disability Benefits: Cutting Through the Red Tape
Comprehensive legal representation for Oklahoma landlords
In Oklahoma, there are certain laws and regulations regarding landlord/tenant agreements. Here are some basic things landlords need to understand to minimize liability and guard against costly disputes. Landlord Obligations Landlords in Oklahoma are obligated to maintain their properties in such a way that provides for the personal safety of their tenants and all visitors to the properties. Specific details regarding such obligations vary by state. However, the following are typically included in retail and other commercial agreements: A main responsibility of a landlord is to make sure the building adheres to all construction codes. A landlord must provide a clean and appropriate water supply. Proper trash receptacles must be on-site as well. All necessary inspections regarding electrical wiring, asbestos, carbon monoxide detection, etc., must take place before finalizing an agreement. Landlords must make all necessary repairs to maintainContinue reading: Comprehensive legal representation for Oklahoma landlords
Why is Medicaid planning so important for Oklahoma seniors?
There’s no denying that the cost of long-term care continues to rise, and seniors in Oklahoma need to be aware of their options for covering the cost of nursing home care, assisted living and in-home medical care. Even if you have saved a significant nest egg for your retirement, the cost of long-term care could quickly drain your estate. If your goals include preserving your assets, providing for future generations and ensuring comfort for yourself in later years, you may want to consider your Medicaid planning options. What does Medicaid planning involve? Along with other estate planning solutions such as insurance, VA pension benefits, Social Security benefits and trusts, Medicaid benefits can be used to defray the cost of elder care, as Medicaid provides access to care facilities that would otherwise be unaffordable. However, you may not be eligible forContinue reading: Why is Medicaid planning so important for Oklahoma seniors?
So I evicted my tenant, how do I get my money?
A previous post on this blog discussed how the eviction process works under Oklahoma law. Although each state’s laws about eviction are different, the basics of the process work the same from state to state. One of the questions landlords in Oklahoma and elsewhere may have is, “Where do I go from here?” once the landlord has evicted a tenant either for not paying rent or for violating some other important provision of a rental agreement. After all, an eviction, strictly speaking, is just a court order allowing a landlord to remove a tenant. It is not the same as a court order for the tenant to pay money and it is a far cry from the landlord’s actually having his or her rent or compensation for damages in hand. This is an important distinction since a landlord, in orderContinue reading: So I evicted my tenant, how do I get my money?
Overview of asset-based lending
There are many aspiring business owners in the Edmund, Oklahoma area and there are likely many more people throughout the country who have some tie to Oklahoma and are trying to start or grow a business venture. As with anything, though, developing a business requires capital. Unless a business owner is already independently wealthy, he or she will likely not have all the resources he or she needs to start, grow or maintain his or her business and will have look to outside sources for help. Asset-based lending is one means a business owner can use to raise capital for his or her business. It is a form of debt as opposed to an investment offer. However, one advantage to asset-based lending is that it often comes with lower interest rates than an unsecured business loan or line of credit.Continue reading: Overview of asset-based lending
If I get hurt at work, can I get Social Security disability?
Many people in Oklahoma and, for that matter, throughout the country wind up unable to do their jobs or engage in any employment because they get hurt in a work accident. One question that may come to the mind of these people is whether they can draw disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, as there is a common impression that those benefits are for people who do not work because they never could or had some sort of medical issues not directly related to work. The reality is that disability benefits are available to anyone who meets the Administration’s definition of a disabled person. Although there are many requirements, often strict, that a person must meet in order to qualify for disability, the Administration rarely if ever asks what caused a person’s disability in the first place. The keyContinue reading: If I get hurt at work, can I get Social Security disability?
Understanding Your Trust Options
On your path to creating a comprehensive estate plan, your first step is usually to draft an enforceable will. However, a will may not provide all of the detailed guidance and control you need, especially if there are complicated family dynamics or you have complex assets such as a business. This is when you need to be aware of your trust options. Depending on your estate planning goals, a trust can be an excellent tool for avoiding probate, minimizing taxes, ensuring Medicaid eligibility and providing for loved ones. Here let’s consider some different kinds of trusts. There are two general types of trusts: revocable and irrevocatble. A revocable trust, often called a living trust, is created during your lifetime and can be modified or revoked entirely if you so choose. As the trustmaker, you transfer the title of the propertyContinue reading: Understanding Your Trust Options
How might the Medicaid look back period affect me?
As this blog has discussed previously, there are many people in Oklahoma, both in Edmund, around Oklahoma City and throughout the state, who are not in absolute poverty but who at the same time do not have the means both to pay for the medical care that they will need when they age and have any hope of leaving some property to their loved ones when they die. Residents who find themselves in this situation should consider the benefits of Medicaid Planning long-term care planning for an anticipated stay in a nursing home or other assisted living community. Although this sort of preparation has a number of aspects, many Oklahoman’s may find themselves in a situation where they need to make themselves ready to qualify for Medicaid, a program funded by the federal government and administered by the states forContinue reading: How might the Medicaid look back period affect me?
Overview of veterans’ retirement benefits
Oklahoma military veterans have access to a lot of benefits, some of which are available through the many programs the Department of Veterans’ Affairs administers. One of these programs involves a pension plan for which disabled vets or veterans over the age of 65 can qualify. This pension program is separate from the program the Department uses to compensate veterans who get disabled while in the service. There are certain rules as to who qualifies for these benefits. In addition to being either over 65 or “disabled” as the Department defines that term, a person also has to show he or she received something other than a dishonorable discharge, although a full “honorable” discharge might not be necessary. Also, the veteran claiming the pension must serve during wartime; however, officially, the United States has been in wartime since the 1990Continue reading: Overview of veterans’ retirement benefits
What do property management companies do?
Many people who live in Oklahoma, and particularly those in the Oklahoma City area, may see in the relatively strong real estate market an opportunity to invest in commercial real estate. In many cases, a person can be more of a passive investor just by providing money for a commercial project. However, others may want to take an active role in owning commercial property, like a shopping center or office space. But, the thing about owning commercial property is that it involves many different layers of detail, any one of which potentially costing a lot in terms of time and emotional capital. Investors, especially those new to the scene, may have no idea how to actually go out and find and manage tenants for their commercial property, much less keep the property itself attractive and in good repair. For theseContinue reading: What do property management companies do?
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